Words by Jonathan Knight [Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 08:21:44PM +0000]:
> Hi folks,
> We're looking to integrate our telephone system with our email system.  The 
> telephone system will use IMAP4 to store WAV files in a users mailbox and 
> then retrieve them for playing if necessary.  This is usually called 
> "unified messaging".
> The manufacturers are claiming full integration with Microsoft Exchange and 
> Lotus Notes using IMAP4 and a single username and password to access all the 
> users mailboxes.  I can see that Dovecot has a master user feature that 
> looks like it will do the job.

Yes. http://wiki.dovecot.org/Authentication/MasterUsers

> Has anyone had any experience of using dovecot as a unified message server 

You mean as part of a unified messaging solution? Yes, by using the
master user feature and vfile global ACLs (http://wiki.dovecot.org/ACL)
to further control which folders the unified messaging user will be able
to write to.

> for a telephone system and has anyone any experience of configuring dovecot 
> so that an MS exchange IMAP4 client using a master user can use dovecot 
> without changing the client?

Sorry, couldn't grok this last past. Isn't MS exchange IMAP4 IMAP? And why
would you want to allow the client to login with a master user? Anyway,
you can put "loginuser*masteruser" and "masterpassword" on the username
and password boxes on the client as explained by the documentation.

Jose Celestino
http://www.msversus.org/     ; http://techp.org/petition/show/1
"If you would have your slaves remain docile, teach them hymns."
    -- Ed Weathers ("The Empty Box")

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