Hi All, 

        I am using Dovecot 1.0.13 with Vpopmail (Qmail
Toaster current) backed by MySQL with one table per
domain (--disable-many-domains) . What I cannot figure
out is how to have Dovecot authenticate to Vpopmail
when Vpopmail uses one table per domain. Basically I
need dynamic SQL in the Dovecot-sql.conf file. 

        Currently I have:

        password_query = select pw_clear_passwd as password
from domainname_com where pw_name = '%n'

        I need something like 

        password_query = select pw_clear_passwd as password
from %d where pw_name = '%n'

        Where %d is the name of the table.  I can't use the
exact domain name at it will not match the vpopmail
format domainname_com.  I would be happy to use some
sort of sting builder but and not sure what my options
are in the .conf file.

            Please help 

        Thanks in advance 


James Nordstrom 
Nordstrom Design Inc. 
US:       908-419-5597
Europe: 001/908-419-5597

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