On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 14:30 -0400, Tim Boyer wrote:
> RHEL 5.1, dovecot 1.0.rc15 on a x86 system.  dovecot -n says
> Mar 31 14:05:31 dg.denmantire.com dovecot: POP3(bfarner):
> open(/home/bfarner/Mail/.imap/INBOX/.temp.dg.denmantire.com.4668.564b08eac94
> 4fe4a) failed: Disk quota exceeded

File creation failed with EDQUOT. I fixed a lot of these just before the
v1.0.0 release.

> Strange thing is - he's over disk quota, but just over the soft quota -
> nowhere close to the hard quota.

Kernel decided that he was over quota, for whatever reason and failed
the syscall. (I don't know how exactly the soft/hard quota rules work)

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