There are no entries in any of the logs related to lda or managesieve.

I did run managesieve again (after creating the relevant logfiles), and
got this:

OK "Logged in."
imap(root): Warning: Active sieve script symlink /home/cam/.dovecot.sieve
is no symlink.
OK "Listscripts completed."
imap(root): Info: Disconnected: Logged out
OK "Logout completed."

I presume the warning is just that - only a warning - but it mystifies me.



Cam Ellison, PhD RPsych (BC #01417)
Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek BC  V0N 2W2
Phone 604.885.4806
Fax 694.885.4809
Cell 604.989.0635

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