on 4-8-2008 7:11 PM Phan Thanh Diện spake the following:
Curtis Maloney sent this message on 4/9/2008 5:54 AM:
Phan Thanh Diện wrote:

We would like to switch from courier-imap to dovecot. I have installed
dovecot on a machine running FreeBSD 6.3 and now testing it. My
questions are below:

1. Can I configure dovecot to delete all files that are older, say 10
days, from defined mail boxes (for example Trash or Spam).

Yes - take a look at the "expire" plugin: http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins

2. After I access mail box (using web mail squirrel imap) all emails
moved from 'new' directory to 'cur'. Then messages are not accessible
for pop3. Such behavor doesn't occur with courier-imap. Can I force
dovecot to behave like courier-imap?

That shouldn't be.  If you're using Dovecot for both POP3 and IMAP, your
mail client will be able to see all the mail no matter which protocol you
access it with.

However, your mail client may be ignoring mail that's been "Seen". I'm not
sure why courier would behave differently with this.

Have you read the migration guide? http://wiki.dovecot.org/Migration/Courier

Many thanks for help.
Dien Phan

Curtis Maloney


Thank you for your email.
We have been using XMail (www.xmailserver.org) for smtp and pop3, courier-imap for imap. This works for many years and we don't want to change. The only change we would like is to switch from courier-imap to dovecot. So configuration must be unchange: xmail for pop3 and smtp, dovecot for imap. Unfortunately we are facing the problem I wrote about: after a user access mail box via web client (www.squirrel.org) he can not see emails any more via pop3. The reason is emails moved from 'new' to 'cur' although nothing done. Dovecot automatically moves. Currently with courier-imap, no matter we access via web mail or imap client (such as ThunderBird or Outlook) users can retrive emails via pop3. So my question is: does courier-imap behave abnormally or my dovecot mis-configured?

Dien Phan

More than likely the pop3 client downloads the messages and then deletes them. That is how pop3 works.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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