I'm using dovecot-1.0.5-6 on opensuse 10.3.
 I use the maildir quota plugin, and I'm converting mailboxes from UW IMAP 
(mbox) to Maildir format using that mb2md.pl script (3.10 I guess). 
 My migration happens like this:

 - if a user receives mail (before ever using the new mail system), it goes to 
his/her inbox, dovecot proceeds normally, like when a user exists, but never 
received mails. Quota is shown ok.

 - if a user logs in before receiving any new mail, then, 
/var/spool/data/USER/new is created, and all converted messages are copied to 
that dir. If that user had deleted messages (some users mark messages as 
deleted, others delete for real), then a /var/spool/data/USER/.Trash/new dir is 
created, and messages are put there too. No other files/dirs (dovecot-uidlist 
maildirsize cur tmp), are created by "me" or the migration scripts. Index files 
(/var/spool/index/USER) are not created neither. They are created by dovecot 

 I have a problem, when a user has mails that exceed the limit in mb's (I set 
just size limit, no messages limit), neither "getquotaroot" (via telnet to port 
143), neither webmail software (horde) show the quota usage correctly (I'm not 
talking about new mail, talking about those messages copied, when they exceed 
the size limit). Just after trying to delete messages it is shown (gives me an 
error message, quota exceeded, since Trash is not excluded from quota limits, 
for now, I'll exclude it later). This server has some issues: many old users 
have lots of mails, in thousands (1000-15000). Some have 50mb to 150mb of 
mails. The migration is part of the cleanup process.


 Is it possible that the migration order (creating dirs in that way) is causing 
the quota usage to be shown wrong?
 Is it possible that the amount of messages and the size can be the cause?
 Other causes?

 How can I manually tell dovecot to recalculate the quota, after copying 
messages (when a user logs in, and didn't receive new mails on the new mail 
system, but had messages big enough to exceed the quota limit) from the old 

 Should I run any commands to rebuild indexes or any operation to keep 
information integrity about the mails/mailboxes to dovecot, after copying the 
converted messages?

 many thanks


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