Roy McMorran wrote:
Timo Sirainen wrote:
Does this happen only for your LDAP users or also passwd users? Before
the above mkdir() Dovecot should chdir() to user's home directory. So if
LDAP returns user's home directory, I'd think the chdir() causes
This seems to have been a Solaris issue. I've applied some recent patches to my test machine and it seems to be resolved.
Arrgh, I spoke too soon. It worked once right after the reboot. Now it's gone south again. Here's the same bit of truss output:

16016:  setegid(1032)                                   = 0
16016:  seteuid(20025)                                  = 0
16016:  alarm(30)                                       = 0
16016:  chdir("/home/adent")                            Err#2 ENOENT
16016:  alarm(0)                                        = 30
16016:  seteuid(0)                                      = 0

I can't imagine why a simple chdir is failing. From the shell (on the same server) "cd /home/adent" works fine (i.e. the automount happens).

$ cd /home/adent
$ df -k .
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                    1073741824 904942140 168799684  85% /home/adent

This is weird.

To answer your question Timo, these are all LDAP users. In truth I don't have any passwd users, but I could try creating a local test user.

Thanks for your help.

Best wishes,

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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