On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 11:38 -0400, Bryan Polk wrote:
> First, thanks for this great product. We migrated from Courier last week 
> with only small bumps along the way. We have a few hundred active users 
> with a mix of pop3 and imap clients. The server is running on sparc 
> Solaris 9.
> We're seeing a problem now with the number of "imap-login" processes 
> rising slowly to it's limit and then (understandably) not letting any more 
> logins happen. Legitimate users seem to have no problem logging in until 
> the limit is hit. Another odd thing is that this is not a problem for 
> pop3-login processes, just imap...

How many imap processes do you have at that time? Each SSL connection
uses up one imap-login process.

One sure way to fix this would be to change to high-performance mode as
described by http://wiki.dovecot.org/LoginProcess

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