On 5/23/2008, Knute Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> Any ideas what the problem is or how to fix it?

>> Output of dovecot -n?
>> Any additional config parameters? No one here is a mind reader... ;)

> Well neither am I.  Why didn't you tell me you wanted that before I
> posted.

No offense intended, but...


It [should be] a given that basic configuration information will most likely be necessary to help you find a problem... no? At least, thats the way its always been on every support list I've ever been on...

Anyway, a quick google finds some hits on this error, so if you had already googled the error (and if you hadn't - shouldn't you have?)...

It appears the consensus is, these errors are harmless and don't impact performance, Timo cannot reporoduce them any longer (since post 1.0 release), and he thnks they are fixed in 1.1 version (release imminent).

One thing I saw suggested was to be sure that no client is accessing the affected maildirs, and delete the indexes manually.

There is also a suggeston that there may be an issue with NFS/Redhat and certain kernel versions...

Are you using NFS? What version of the Redhat kernel?


Best regards,


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