On Tue, 2008-06-03 at 00:51 +0200, Juan Asensio Sánchez wrote:
> Well
> Finally i found the error. It look like antispam is not compatible
> with quota plugin.
> mail_plugins = quota imap_quota autocreate antispam
> If i remove quota and imap_quota plugins from imap protocol,
> everything works fine and the message is saved in sent folder.
> mail_plugins = autocreate antispam

Ok, that explains why I don't see that problem.

> If i enable again the plugins, the error happens again. Any solution?

> > Now i have compiled dovecot-antispam plugin with the -g3 option in
> > CFLAGS. What to do now?


The "debugging hangs" section is what I usually do: start mail client, 
"gdb -p $(pidof imap)", enter "cont" in gdb, do operation in mail client
that crashes, get backtrace from gdb.


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