On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 22:27 +0200, Tony den Haan wrote:
> hi,
> i'm trying to use passdb ldap and userdb prefetch, using the userdb_ 
> prefixes in pass_attrs, and i get:
> passdb didn't return userdb entries
> looking at the code at auth/userdb-prefetch.c i see:
> if (auth_request->userdb_reply == NULL) {
>                 if (auth_request->auth->userdbs->next == NULL) {
>                         /* no other userdbs */
>                         auth_request_log_error(auth_request, "prefetch",
>                                 "passdb didn't return userdb entries");
>                 } else {
>                         /* more userdbs, they may know the user */
>                         auth_request_log_info(auth_request, "prefetch",
>                                 "passdb didn't return userdb entries");
>                 }
>                 callback(USERDB_RESULT_USER_UNKNOWN, auth_request);
>                 return;
>         }
> is this really correct? 


> if so it migth be a good idea to at least print different errors

Well, one is an error and the other is an informational message. :) They
should have Error: or Info: prefix already. But I updated the second one
anyway: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.1/rev/97e425675c86

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