
I've been trying out the new dovecot's namespace support, and I'm having some issues moving messages between namespaces. Specifically, when I move some messages from a Maildir-based namespace to an mbox-based namespace, the message gets corrupted: its contents are removed, and an entirely empty message is added to the destination mailbox. This is 100% repeatable (some messages just *cannot* be copied intact).

I have two namespaces, set up like so:

    namespace private { # Default
        separator = .
        hidden = no
        inbox = yes
        prefix =
        location = maildir:%h/Maildir
    namespace private {
        separator = .
        hidden = no
        prefix = "INBOX.ArchiveTest."
        location = mbox:%h/Maildir/Archive

All I do is tell my client (mutt) to copy a message from a folder in the maildir namespace into a folder in the mbox namespace.

Does anyone know what might be going wrong or how I can even debug this? No error messages of any kind are showing up in the dovecot log file, and the mail_debug setting doesn't seem to give me any useful information.

Message corruption of this sort worries me...

To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.
                                                    -- Abraham Lincoln

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