On Jul 2, 2008, at 12:26 AM, Sergey Ivanov wrote:

I've upgraded mail server to dovecot-1.1, on solaris-10 with mysql user database.
I used sql query
"SELECT NULL as password, login as user, concat('/mail/var/ dovecot/',login) AS userdb_home, 501 AS userdb_uid, 501 AS userdb_gid FROM users WHERE login='%n' AND password=old_password('%w')" with dovecot-1.0.15 and it worked perfectly. But since upgrade the server can not authenticate any users, complaining in info_log: "Empty password returned without no_password".
How to set up such things in dovecot-1.1? Is it possible?

Like it says, return no_password field also. For example:

select 'Y' as no_password, ...

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