Hello All:

I may have found the answer. However, the credit goes to everyone who
responded. Here is what I have discovered:


has the information regarding creating a certificate used by Dovecot. This
file may be updated to correct this problem. I am going to look into it.

Thanks all.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Shellam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 3:02 PM
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] Certificate Server name!

Hi Kirt,

Right in that case, the installation of Dovecot has somewhere created a 
certificate with "imap.example.com" as the common name (CN.)

I'm afraid I cannot help further as I don't use SSL in Dovecot, however 
what I'll say is lookup how to create a certificate in OpenSSL.  Perhaps 
someone else can advise how to create and configure a certificate to use 
with Dovecot.


kbajwa wrote:
> I previously posted this message and made a type mistake. I wrote
> "imap.tib.com instead it should red "imap.example.com". I have corrected
> message and am reposting it. SORRY.
> -----------------------------------------
> Setup of Dovecot went smoothly.
> Now when I try to retrieve mail from the server, I get the following
> message:
> Security Error: Domain name mismatch
> You have attempted to establish a connection to "mail.tib.com"
> However, the security certificate presented belongs to
> "imap.example.com".....
> How to fix this message?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kirt

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