Maarten Bezemer wrote on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 11:43:06 +0200 (CEST):

> It is normal for some services to terminate te main process, but leave
> active children alive.

That may be so, but Timo claimed the opposite (as I read his response). I'm 
merely pointing out that I cannot see the behavior that Timo states. If you 
want to get rid of all these processes you have to killall.

Especially for pop3 processes, as they can be
> considered to terminate soon due to protocol design.

Can you elaborate on this? Also, have a look at the thread I mentioned. 
Dozens pop3-login processes were staying sleeping for 5 or more hours. There 
was no remote part anymore. Doesn't sound like they "terminated soon due to 
protocol design".

Same goes for ssh for
> example. You can kill (stop, or restart) the main sshd, without killing
> the sessions currently running.

Yes. Right you are. And especially with ssh it's quite helpful ;-)

> The "restarting after 2 seconds" thing I just saw in another mail can
> possibly be prevented by using the appropriate setsockopts on the listen
> port (SO_REUSEADDR in this case, if I'm not mistaken). This may however
> very well be a Linux-specific solution.

That concerns the "tidying up"? In my case it wasn't a problem with still 
occupied ports, I checked for presence of processes.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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