Hi Sahil,

On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 02:36:56 -0400, Sahil Tandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My dovecot is currently configured to authenticate vs. a userdb/passdb 
> passwd-file that contains, for each user:
> username:passhash:5000:5000::/path/to/home::userdb_mail=/path/to/maildir
> Is it possible to let users authenticate and change their passwords? 
> There 
> are some webmail client add-ons that allow such things if users are
> accounts or in a MySQL/LDAP db.  Does anyone else use passdb/userdb 
> passwd-files like above and have a method for allowing users to change
> their 
> passwords from the web?
> Sorry for the slightly off-topic question, but hoping another Dovecot
> admin 
> has solved this problem.  Preference is to not to be tied to any
> particular 
> webmail client just for this change password feature.

Maybe you can use Usermin for that (see
http://www.webmin.com/usermin.html). It has a module to change system


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