I am trying to setup Dovecot to use the expire plugin and wanted to use
the LDA so I can ensure the messages are indexed as they are delivered
to the mailboxes. This system is only accessed via a webmail interface

Using dovecot-1.1.2 and Vpopmail with Qmail

Dovecot.conf file
base_dir = /usr/local/var/run/dovecot/
protocols = imap 
disable_plaintext_auth = no
shutdown_clients = yes
log_path = /var/log/dovecott
info_log_path = /var/log/dovecott
log_timestamp = ""
ssl_disable = yes
login_dir = /usr/local/var/run/dovecot/login
login_user = dovecot
login_process_per_connection = yes
login_processes_count = 3
login_max_processes_count = 128
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
namespace private {
        separator = .
        prefix = INBOX.
        inbox = yes

verbose_proctitle = yes
first_valid_uid = 89
#last_valid_uid = 0

maildir_copy_with_hardlinks = yes
maildir_copy_preserve_filename = no

protocol imap {
        listen =
        imap_max_line_length = 65536
        login_greeting_capability = yes
        mail_plugins = expire
protocol lda {
  mail_plugins = expire
  log_path = /var/log/dovecot-deliver.log
  info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-deliver.log


plugin {
  # Trash and its children 7d, Spam 30d
  expire = Trash 7 
  expire_dict = proxy::expire


auth default {
        mechanisms = plain

        passdb vpopmail {
                args =

        userdb vpopmail {

        user = vpopmail
        count = 1
        ssl_require_client_cert = no

I see errors in the /var/log/dovecot-deliver.log deliver ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Error: Can't connect to auth server at
/usr/local/var/run/dovecot//auth-master: no such file or directory.

What do I need to do to create this?

Ron Culler


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