Words by Giorgenes Gelatti [Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 03:38:50PM -0300]:
> Hello All,
> I've been studying dovecot for replacing my company's current system
> and I got a little worried about an aspect of the dovecot's design.
> I was surprised that dovecot doesn't use prefork for its mail
> processes, forking a new processes for each new client connection.
> Talking in the #dovecot channel I was gave a scenario of a system
> supporting ~40k users with 4 servers just fine.
> I wonder how well dovecot would scale if we increase this number of
> users by some order of magnitude like, say, 4M users.

Well, we have 8 servers for that amount of users.

> It is well known that preforking is a good pratice if you want to
> achieve a higher performance.

Some say it's premature optimization.

> When I was asked about it I readily answered: "of course it does". For
> my surprise later, i doesn't.
> Do you have any plans to support preforking in the near future?

Jose Celestino | http://japc.uncovering.org/files/japc-pgpkey.asc
"One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh." -- Robert A. Heinlein

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