on 9/3/08 5:06 PM , Olivier Dijoux wrote  :
does anyone got Dovecot ManageSieve and Horde/Ingo working together ?

well, I found the trick :
Ingo stores its own copy of sieve rules into the Horde preference backend system, seems it doesn't read/parse rules from ManageSieve server, but can only push them.
so after setup the Horde backend correctly to MySQL, everything works fine;
i can edit sieve rules, they are stored into horde/ingo SQL prefs backend, and then uploaded via ManageSieve into Dovecot server

however i would consider avelsieve, as it can parse (GETSCRIPT) and push (PUTSCRIPT) sieve rules via ManageSieve, that's propably better if I offer ManageSieve tcp/2000 service to my users so they can you their own managesieve clients...

anyway, does ManageSieve patch for Dovecot v1.1.3 exists yet ?


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