> Hello,
> I am new here, so excuse me if i am asking something already asked. I am
> using dovecot 1.1.2 along with postfix 2.6 and a pgsql backend. So far
> everything is great, until i wanted to try out the sieve implementation.
> I am using dovecot for deliver and i have set
> global_script_path = /home/vmail/globalsieverc
> The script IS working until a given user defines his own sieve script (
> for example ) :
> This ( or any other script for all i know ) breaks up the global one,
> and it stops working. The global script looks like this :
> Am i missing something, or this is the desired behaviour ?

It is the documented behavior. (If this is desirable or not, that is
another question.) From http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Sieve :

protocol lda {
  # If there is no user-specific Sieve-script, global Sieve script is
  # executed if set. (v1.0.1 and older used "global_script_path")
  #sieve_global_path =


Eduardo M Kalinowski

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