On 18.09.2008 20:41, Adam McDougall wrote:
Possibly try increasing mail_process_size. It defaults to 256 and I had to raise it to 1024 (1024 megs) to allow some squat searches to complete. I also have 4G of ram. You can also try watching the process in top to see how large it grows before it dies as a clue to what limit it is hitting.

Thanks. Increasing mail_process_size solves problem.

Anton Yuzhaninov wrote:
I tried to use squat index, but got error:

Sep 18 19:49:45 mailsupport dovecot: Fatal: IMAP(citrin): pool_system_realloc(): Out of memory Sep 18 19:49:45 mailsupport dovecot: child 77606 (imap) returned error 83 (Out of memory)

 Anton Yuzhaninov

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