On Wed, 17 Sep 2008, Dan Roberts wrote:

It was quickly pointed out that my system was set up to use MBOX and not MAILDIR, and some helpful links and notes were sent back and forth giving me a good clue as to how to perform the conversion process.

I did have success in getting my mail accounts converted from mbox to maildir, but then ran aground.

I could see all of my existing mail and create new folders, but I could not see any of my incoming mail.

http://markmail.org/message/4wghlnywxuljwmnh - you will want to start /etc/procmailrc with


My working /etc/procmailrc is as such:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ cat /etc/procmailrc

I should be using Dovecot Deliver but haven't still gotten around to it.

-- Asheesh.

If wishes were horses, then beggars would be thieves.

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