
I'am new to Dovecot and Postfix...

I have made a Postfix installation as "Internet with Smarthost".

I'am using a domain in Godaddy, I have point "A (Host) Record" to my IP and
the "MX Record" is also pointing to my IP. I have tested sending e-mail from
my gmail.com account to my server, the server receive e-mails from
gmail.comto my /home/andre/mbox successfully, the server is also
sending mails by
SMTP successfully.

Now I need to configure POP3, I have been searching but I don't know what to
do... I only need to receive e-mails in my windows machines in Outlook

I have test telnet in my localhost with "telnet mydomain.com 110"

It appears:

Connected to localhost
+OK Dovecot ready

Then I try to auth by telnet with:

pass mypass
-ERR Authentication failed.

I know that my password it's ok.

When I try to "telnet mydomain.com 110" on other computer with another IP on
Internet I get blank screen.

My question: What can I do to, or what can I read to configure POP3

Best Regards, Andre.

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