Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> I'm a bit further along but haven't figured out why Authentication is
> still failing.  I've tried a telnet to port 143 and openssl connection
> to 993.
> The command I issued, per the debugging page on the wiki, is:
>     a login [EMAIL PROTECTED] crap
> Here is a snapshot from my logs (yup second try and blank lines to make
> it easier for me to read).
> Oct  7 08:17:20 mx0 dovecot: auth(default): client in: AUTH     2 PLAIN 
> service=imap     secured lip=      rip=       
> lport=993       rport=65026 resp=AGluZm9AYWVzb2Z0LXNiY3MuY29tAGNyYXA=
> Oct  7 08:17:20 mx0 dovecot: auth(default): passwd-file
> /var/mail/vhosts/ Read 3 users
> Oct  7 08:17:20 mx0 dovecot: auth(default):
> passwd-file([EMAIL PROTECTED], lookup:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] file=/var/mail/vhosts/
> Oct  7 08:17:20 mx0 dovecot: auth(default):
> passwd-file([EMAIL PROTECTED], unknown user
> Oct  7 08:17:22 mx0 dovecot: auth(default): client out: FAIL    2
> And here is the relevant line from    
> /var/mail/vhosts/
> info:{PLAIN}crap:5000:5000::/var/mail/vhosts/

The user is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", not "info".


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