I've been running a mbox solution using UW's IMAP server.  I've run it
for years.

Now do to heavy message volumes, I've decided to to take the plunge to
convert to the Maildir format.

I am currently testing a single user, and have successfully converted
the mail messages from mbox to Maildir format, and now I am setting up
the procmail tool to place the messages into the correct folder.  I have
been following the http://wiki.dovecot.org/Migration/MailFormat formula,
but now have a question.

New Messages are now being placed into the ~user/Maildir/new folder. 
However, when I attempt to retrieve those messages, Dovecot does not
find them.  Why not?
Albert E. Whale, CHS CISA CISSP
Sr. Security, Network, Risk Assessment and Systems Consultant
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. <http://www.ABS-CompTech.com> - Email,
Internet and Security Consultants
SPAMZapper <http://www.Spam-Zapper.com> - No-JunkMail.com
<http://www.No-JunkMail.com> - *True Spam Elimination*.

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