On Oct 24, 2008, at 8:40 PM, Albert E. Whale wrote:

I was under the impression that you could migrate individual mailboxes
and set up the information via the dovecot.passwd file, i.e.

health:$1$MCtvt/Tz$FmKqU/cbWlBhKnhc5W.Ko.:1152:1152:/home/ health:userdb_mail=maildir:~/Maildir

Is this not valid?

That looks ok, but:

   driver: passwd-file
   args: /home/dovecot.passwd
   driver: pam
   driver: passwd

You're using passwd-file only as passdb. That means it uses only the username and password field of the file. You'll need to use it as a userdb also.

But can the users read their mail anyway? You said that they can't get new mails. Are you using Dovecot's deliver as MDA?

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