Albert E. Whale wrote:
> OK, I am attempting to use the userdb connection to facilitate per user
> migration to Maildir format from mbox.  Here's the first user:
> more /home/dovecot.passwd
> health:$1$MCtvt/Tz$FmKqU/cbWlBhKnhc5W.Ko.:1152:1152:/home/health:userdb_mail=maildir:~/Maildir
> The configuration was set up as:
>   userdb passwd {
>    }
> I changed this to:
>   userdb passwd-file {
>     args = /home/dovecot.conf
>   }
> And unfortunately the dovecot daemon dies after successfully launching.
> Suggestions?
The dovecot password file is really /home/dovecot.passwd, but this still
does not resolve the authentication issue for user health.

Still seeking suggestions.

Albert E. Whale, CHS CISA CISSP
Sr. Security, Network, Risk Assessment and Systems Consultant
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. <> - Email,
Internet and Security Consultants
SPAMZapper <> -
<> - *True Spam Elimination*.

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