On Nov 19, 2008, at 10:29 PM, Brian Hayden wrote:

On Nov 19 2008, Adam McDougall wrote:

Just wanted to mention that 1.1.6 seems fine so far in our testing, and I think the lack of reported problems on the mailing list is probably a very good sign!

We're running 1.1.4 in production on one machine, and have tried 1.1.5. and 1.1.6 in our test environment... all three still sometimes have the "next message unexpectedly lost" error logged. This happens only for Outlook users, and corresponds to the user seeing a message with no subject or body in Outlook's list.

I've finally managed to reproduce this with my own mails a few days ago. Now I'd just need to figure out what exactly is causing it and fix it.

Other clients see the message fine. Effective workarounds:

1. Delete index files.
2. Have the user use a client such as Pine to "bounce" the message, or reply to it, or etc. After this Outlook can display it. We've sort of inferred that this is due to the fact that it's technically a "new" message now, as it is rewritten to add the appropriate header fields.

3. Don't use mbox. :)

Although I thought this error was transparent to users. I get it every few days and haven't really noticed any problems because of it. Wonder what Outlook sees that causes it to break.

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