First, I don't see why you would want to let your users logon with any
password. A user with a valid certificate could logon as any user, as long
as you don't actually somehow check who is the certificates' owner.

And i don't think there's a big chance that EXTERNAL will be implemented in
the next time (though this post is a bit outdated):
Also, there's no further information at Roadmap:

Maybe you could use "auth external" with couriers authlib, as it recently
started to support AUTH EXTERNAL:
The problem is that I don't see how authlib would be able to access the the

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Zohan
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Dovecot] "nopassword" extra field useless with LDAP passdb
> Hi,
> We are trying to implement a highly secure mail server with user
> authentication restricted to SSL certificates only (not using passwords
> at all). Still, user information is stored in a LDAP directory. In this
> configuration LDAP is used to check whether the user is registered (and
> probably supply quota and other info), and actual authentication is
> done by SSL layer.
> According to wiki, a "nopassword" extra field should be supplied,
> together with empty password. But there is no way to return an empty
> password from LDAP, as LDAP simply does not allow "empty attributes";
> if an attribute is present, it is not empty. Supplying empty password
> as a static field (like this: pass_attrs =
> uid=user,=password=,nopassword) works an odd way, allowing empty
> password only, not "any password", and most MUAs (including our target
> Thunderbird) do not allow empty passwords.
> Log excerpt follows ("1" was entered as a password during POP3 session;
> static empty password was configured as above):
> ====================
> Dec  9 02:11:15 localhost dovecot: auth(default):
> ldap(user1, pass search: base=ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
> scope=subtree filter=(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=user1))
> fields=uid,nopassword
> Dec  9 02:11:15 localhost dovecot: auth(default):
> ldap(user1, result: uid(user)=user1
> Dec  9 02:11:15 localhost dovecot: auth(default):
> ldap(user1, Password mismatch
> Dec  9 02:11:15 localhost dovecot: auth(default):
> ldap(user1, PLAIN(1) != ''
> Dec  9 02:11:17 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client out: FAIL    1
> user=user1
> Dec  9 02:11:19 localhost dovecot: pop3-login: Aborted login (auth
> failed, 1 attempts): user=<user1>, method=PLAIN, rip=127
> .0.0.1, lip=, secured
> ====================
> That's why we now have to maintain a separate passwd-like file with the
> following contents:
> user1:::::::nopassword
> user2:::::::nopassword
> ...
> and so on (updating it each time manually as users are added/removed),
> and use it as passdb. Only this allows true "any password" policy.
> In fact, the problem seems to be a little bit deeper.
> In our setup user/password challenge is not needed at all. This is
> exactly what RFC 4959, "IMAP Extension for Simple Authentication and
> Security Layer (SASL) Initial Client Response", is about
> ( , see SASL EXTERNAL example).
> Are there any plans to implement SASL EXTERNAL mechanism in Dovecot?
> Thank you!
> Zohan

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