On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 12:45:13 -0500
Stewart Dean <sd...@bard.edu> wrote:

> Is there a simple robust IMAP client to replace Pine (which I *think*
> is no longer supported)?  GUI or TTY session?
> I'm wondering if there is something we can tell users to use when
> Things Are Dire.  GUI would be better since it removes one of the few
> remaining reasons for a logon server

GUIwise, I have been using Sylpheed for years, both personally and
professionally, and I believe it to be the best GUI-type IMAP client
around. It too does the header caching and other stuff mentioned but,
compared with Thunderbird, it has:

. always performed "better" (i.e., faster)
. never crashed (AFAICR)

Bling-wise, it's a bit poor, but it gets the job done.

Mário Barbosa

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