Timo Sirainen wrote:

On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:01 PM, Jack Stewart wrote:


Is there a way to associate a user's the login (imap-login) process with the user's 'imap [' process? We are trying to lock down an issue to make sure we full understand it. /proc and shared memory tools weren't particular useful.

Not really with v1.1, but with v1.2 you can use %e variable in login_log_format_elements which expands to mail process PID. I guess you could also try if the change happens to apply cleanly to v1.1:


Just for context, we are having an intermittent locking index cache locking issue that appears to impact only a subset of our users.

What kind of a locking issue? Hangs?

Thank you - I'll try applying the patch to our 1.1.7 tests but it may be a few weeks before I can get back to everyone on it.

The clients are hanging. There are at least a couple of different types of locking issues. In both cases the dovecot.cache.index file does not update. Based on lslk, in one case the lock on the file appears persistent but not in the others. Removing the dovecot.cache.index file appears and sending a term signal to the locking process (or all processes) removes the issue for the user.

I don't yet have enough information yet to lock this down. We haven't yet reproduced it reliably but we're getting closer.


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