On Wed, 2008-12-24 at 16:26 +0200, Thanos Chatziathanassiou wrote:
> ``Dec 24 15:36:29 mail dovecot: POP3(u...@domain): 
> stat(/var/run/dovecot/imap-index/domain/user/.imap/INBOX) failed: 
> Permission denied (euid=60107 egid=231 missing +x perm: 
> /var/run/dovecot/imap-index/domain)''
> errors.

/var/run is a pretty bad place for indexes. Either disable them
completely or point them to a directory that doesn't get deleted on

> the directory /var/run/dovecot/imap-index is
> drwxrwxrwt  29 dovecot  dovecot      4.0k Dec 24 15:57 imap-index
> but the directories inside it are created as
> drwx------  15 60107    popusers     4.0k Dec 24 15:50 domain
> Questions:
> - Why is POP3 interested in the imap indices ?

They're not really imap indexes. I just chose a bad name years ago. They
should be "Dovecot indexes" in a .dovecot/ directory.

> - IMAP clients do not complain all that much, as far as I can see, but 
> what happens to POP3 ?

There shouldn't be a difference.

> - Is there something to configure to get rid of this ?

Where are IMAP's non-INBOX mailboxes located? The index files should be
in the same directory.

> Also, I have written a somewhat sloppy patch to determine the domain 
> from the server's IP. That way it is not necessary to persuade all users 
> to switch to logging in as ``u...@domain'' (which I've tried with very 
> limited success).
> Would this be the correct place to post the patch and discuss ?

Go ahead and post it. But I'm not sure if it really belongs to Dovecot
itself, since it's possible to do with several passdbs already (at least
SQL and checkpassword).

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