Robert Schetterer schrieb:
> Robert Schetterer schrieb:
>> Hi Timo,
>>>> myself to see what kind of configuration you have at this moment. The
>>>> proper way to fill the file is to just give IMAP commands, e.g.:
>>>> 1 SETACL mybox another.u...@domain lr
>>>> That ACL must not already exist in dovecot-acl file, otherwise the
>>>> acl_shared_dict file isn't updated. If it is there already you could
>>>> just do:
>>>> 1 DELETEACL mybox another.u...@domain
>>>> 2 SETACL mybox another.u...@domain lr
>>>>> yes debug gives less information, as well there is to less
>>>>> doku about shared namespaces and acl
>>>> I haven't had time to write the documentation yet.
>>> i will do more tests tommorow
>>> and see if i get more debug
>>> no hurry timo , its alpha phase, but a short
>>> doku should be available when 1.2 going beta
>> Hi timo trying to use imap setacl over telnet
>> seems not to work
>> . list "" "*"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Templates"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Sent"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Junk"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "Drafts"
>> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
>> * LIST (\Noselect \HasNoChildren) "/" "shared"
>> . OK List completed.
>> .....
>> . BAD Error in IMAP command SETACL: Unknown command.
>> .....
>> . BAD Error in IMAP command SETACL: Unknown command.
>> . getacl inbox
>> . BAD Error in IMAP command GETACL: Unknown command
>> no wonder acl is not in capability ( it think it should be )
> Hi Timo
> i guess the % is produced fom thunderbird
> here tbs raw in log
>  namespace
> 4 list "" "%"
> 5 list "" "%/%"
> 6 list "" "shared/%"
> 7 list "" "shared/%/%"
> 8 list "" "INBOX"
> 9 select "INBOX"
> 10 myrights "INBOX"
> 11 getacl "INBOX"
> 12 getquotaroot "INBOX"
> 13 IDLE
> 14 lsub "" "*"
> 15 list "" "%"
> 16 list "" "%/%"
> 17 lsub "" "shared/*"
> 18 list "" "shared/%"
> 19 list "" "shared/%/%"
> 20 IDLE
> 21 lsub "" "*"
> 22 list "" "%"
> 23 list "" "%/%"
> 24 lsub "" "shared/*"
> 25 list "" "shared/%"
> 26 list "" "shared/%/%"
> 27 IDLE
> with telnet this does not happen
> dont know why tb sends
> list "" "%"
> 5 list "" "%/%"
> 6 list "" "shared/%"
> 7 list "" "shared/%/%"
> but for sure this leads to
> log entries in dovecot in search of %
> ----
> imap acl
> for use of imap acl this must be in
> mail_plugins like
> mail_plugins = imap_acl acl fts fts_squat mail_log
> setting acl isnt enough, dont know why i ignored this
> then setting of acl over imap works like expected in telnet
> and the shared folder ( mailbox ) is shown in the client ( tb )
> very good !!!,
> my first tests were with listescape enabled
> without any additionional listescape config
> and leads to false interpreted the . in the username domainpart
> ( guess this has to be config stuff in listescape i didnt have done yet
> perhaps you have examples)
> ---autocreate
> cant get it working if either
> listescape is enabled and/or a shared namespace is enabled
> tested a lot of versions to make autcreate known what namespace it
> should use, debugging is to small to get the trough what might be
> running false
Hi Timo,
here additional infos about more tests
using horde imp for setting imap acl
works partly ( but that might be a imp issue cause
i am not using the latest version and specially the shared acl code
in recent imp versions was deeply improved )
but after all setacl is possible with imp and shared folders are shown
as expected
also using prefix = "shared/%%d/%%u/"
works nice !

Great WORK !!!

with horde imp there is no wrong % expansion  in dovecots log so it
seems clear that this is an thunderbird issue

after all whats missing is quota listing for shared folders
( dont know if you might implement this easily in the quota code )
it should be there in my mind , cause transactions with shared
folders i.e copy maybe fail by overload quota of a shared folder
for now user has no chance ( until he has no imap debug etc) to find out
why i.e copy might fail in his client, with shown quota he might be able
to find out that there is less space left in the shared folder to i.e
copy a mail to it.

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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