On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 18:22, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
You're not a singer are you, you resemble a well known one :)

> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 30 Jan 2009, Noel Butler wrote:
> > We found it much easier to use a daily cron to clear out old crap
> >
> > find /var/vmail/*/*/*/*/Maildir/{.Junk,.Trash}/ -name "*.mx*" -mtime +10
> > -print | /usr/bin/perl -nle 'unlink;'
> Which won't work necessarily because of "command line exceeded" errors :)

Seems to work OK for us, but most of our users are pop3 and very few
'leave on server' so i guess we're lucky.

> Nevertheless, I'm quite happy with find myself.

<<attachment: smiley-3.png>>

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