On 2/3/2009 3:20 AM, jan gestre wrote:
>>>> Here's the output of dovecot -n:
>>>> dovecot -n

>>> What version is this?
>>> Recent versions show more info in dovecot -n output, like... dovecot
>>> version... upgrading may be a good idea...

>> dovecot-1.0.7-2.el5 , I'm afraid to upgrade it coz it might break the
>> box and further complicate my problem. I tried to use a latest rebuilt
>> version before deployment but it didn't work so I was force to use the
>> default version that comes with CentOS5.1

> correction, dovecot's version is dovecot-1.0-1.2.rc15.el5

Umm... I just looked at your previous messages... you had earlier sent
the output of dovecot -n that showed version 1.0.7... was this your
failed upgrade attempt?

Anyway, are you using cyrus-sasl or dovecot-sasl?

> I'm not sure what exactly does it do, do I need to turn on saslauthd?
> It's currently not running.

Only if you're using cyrus-sasl...

> I've also tried to upgrade via yum, almost broke it because before I
> was able to recall that I've rebuilt in from source.

Try upgrading from atrpms/net repository...


Best regards,


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