On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 09:31 +0100, Frank Bonnet wrote:
> Hello
> I got this error yesterday
> dovecot: Feb 11 16:07:27 Error: IMAP(dumontj): FETCH for mailbox Sent UID 
> 7139 got too little data: 11112 vs 11160
> dovecot: Feb 11 16:07:27 Error: IMAP(dumontj): Corrupted index cache file 
> /user/dumontj/.imap/Sent/dovecot.index.cache: Broken virtual size for mail 
> UID 7139

This still seems to be happening sometimes with mbox. If you ever figure
out a way to reproduce it I'd like to know.

> Does remove the cache will cure the problem ?

It should cure the problem itself automatically. Didn't it?

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