On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 17:05 -0600, Mike Abbott wrote:
> Hi, we occasionally see this error message from  
> maildir_mail_set_cache_corrupted():  "Maildir filename has wrong W  
> value: %s/%s" but the path it prints is missing a component,  
> specifically, the new/cur/tmp component.  For example:
> /Volumes/Spool/user/maildir/12345.M123P123.example.com....
> should be
> /Volumes/Spool/user/maildir/cur/12345.M123P123.example.com....

Fixed: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.1/rev/c08c602ca0dc

> Now I just have to figure out why the file is corrupted in the first  
> place.

Are you using deliver?

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