Hi Ian,

Ian P. Christian wrote:
2009/2/19 Ian P. Christian <poo...@pookey.co.uk>:
The first if appears to match, as if I move the fileinto up there it
works - however it doesn't work as it shown here.  Can anyone suggest
why?  Can I achieve what I'm trying to do with sieve?  How can I go
about debugging scripts?
You can use the sieve-test command line tool for that. It sure beats sending test mails through deliver all the time. The debugging experience needs improvement though, as trace debug output is a bit cryptic (relates to binary dump) and being able to print debug messages and variables to the console would be a nice thing to have.

I've made some progress, but now I'm wondering if it's actually possible....

# X-pstn-levels: (S: 0.00799/98.42547 CV:99.9000 FC:95.5390 LC:95.5390
R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
# X-pstn-settings: 3 (1.0000:1.0000) s cv gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c

if header :matches "X-pstn-levels" "(S: */*"
  set "score" "${1}";
  if header :matches "X-pstn-settings" "? (*:*) *"
    set "threshold" "${3}";

    if "${score}" :under "${threshold}"


There doesn't appear to be a way of comparing the value of 2 floating
point numeric variables (or integers for that matter).
Floating point, hmm ... unfortunately no.

If the values were integers you could have done the following:

require "relational";
require "variables";
require "comparator-i;ascii-numeric";
require "fileinto";

if header :matches "X-pstn-levels" "(S: */*"
    set "score" "${1}";

    if header :matches "X-pstn-settings" "? (*:*) *" {
        set "threshold" "${3}";

        if not string :value "lt" "${score}" "${threshold}" {
            /* Do whatever */
            fileinto "Not spam";

You could do some nasty string matching to explicitly match the decimal separator and match the integer and fractional part separately.

Now I am wondering. What software produces such headers? :)



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