On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 13:40 -0800, Mark Hedges wrote:
> > > > It shouldn't be crashing. Could you get a gdb backtrace from this?
> > > > http://dovecot.org/bugreport.html
> > >
> > > I set mail_drop_priv_before_exec = yes, and I did `ulimit -c
> > > unlimited` and `echo "/tmp/core" >
> > > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern` before starting dovecot, but
> Feb 27 13:32:37 anubis dovecot: dovecot v1.1.11 starting up

OK, so core dumps are enabled, but for some reason they don't get
written. There are really only two possibilities then:

a) You don't really have mail_drop_priv_before_exec=yes. You could
verify this with dovecot -n.

b) Kernel doesn't want to write the core to /tmp/core or before changing
that it didn't want to write it to user's home directory.

> > Well, that is weird. What does it log with the attached patch?
> Patch didn't work.  Attached rej.  I think you forgot some
> {}'s so I think I did what you wanted with the attached
> diff.  Here's the log output now:

Your version of the patch looked ok, but why didn't the warning get
written to the log? If you didn't somehow forget make install or
something similar, the only reason is then if
mbox->mbox_privileged_locking=TRUE. But the later code says that it's

Try adding one more thing before the return line:

i_warning("privileged=%d", mbox->mbox_privileged_locking);

Also are you using any plugins? Paste your dovecot -n output?

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