
some users report me some issues about when they try to conecct to dovecot.
they come early and when want to connect to theirs account, receive a
message from mua (ms-outlook) sayind "the pop server not responds in
60 seconds, Do you want to wait other 60 seconds for a server
response?"... later, they can connect to server without other

looking the logs, i not have much information:

in file "dovecot-info.log":

dovecot: Feb 06 20:45:55 Info: IMAP(user1): trash plugin: Added 'Sent
Messages' with priority 3
dovecot: Feb 06 20:45:55 Info: IMAP(user1): maildir:
dovecot: Feb 06 20:45:55 Info: IMAP(user1): maildir:
root=/var/vmail/mydomain/user1, index=/var/vmail/mydomain/user1,
control=, inbox=
dovecot: Feb 06 20:45:55 Info: IMAP(user1): Disconnected: Logged out
dovecot: Feb 06 20:45:55 Info: IMAP(user1): Disconnected: Logged out
dovecot: Feb 07 07:47:50 Info: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
method=PLAIN, rip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx lip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, TLS
dovecot: Feb 07 07:51:09 Info: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
method=PLAIN, rip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, lip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, TLS
dovecot: Feb 07 07:52:30 Info: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
method=PLAIN, rip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, lip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, TLS
dovecot: Feb 07 07:57:26 Info: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
method=PLAIN, rip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, lip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, TLS
dovecot: Feb 07 08:27:26 Info: pop3-login: Login: user=<user2>,
method=PLAIN, rip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, lip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, TLS
dovecot: Feb 07 08:27:26 Info: POP3(user2): Loading modules from
directory: /etc/dovecot/lib/dovecot/pop3
dovecot: Feb 07 08:27:26 Info: POP3(user2): Module loaded:
dovecot: Feb 07 08:27:26 Info: POP3(user2): Effective uid=504, gid=504
dovecot: Feb 07 08:27:26 Info: POP3(user2): maildir: data=/var/vmail/user2/user2

in file "dovecot.log":

no reports at this range of hours..

I use dovecot using pop and imap protocols with tls and storing users
information in a ldap server...
i have some days trying to fix them but without succes :(

¿What it's happend? ¿How could fix them?

Thanks in advance!!!

Salu2 ;)

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