On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 13:57 -0400, David Halik wrote:
> Also, I've been keeping an eye on top while this was running and it 
> seems that Dovecot is growing at an amazing rate, which is why it runs 
> out of room I guess:
>   8081 dhalik     1  58    0 1030M  871M run      0:33  53.29% imap

OK, so it isn't really the kind of bug I first thought it would be.
Instead it's allocating/leaking way too much memory.

> This was while doing a full Pine text search for a word in a folder with 
> about 1300 emails. Shortly after it died. Keep in mind that I am only 
> able to reproduce this problem with the homedir on NFS and INDEX=MEMORY 
> on. The same setup on local disk had no issues.

Can you test what exactly is the difference? INDEX=MEMORY or being in
NFS? I don't see how either of those would make a difference here.

To me it's currently looking like Solaris iconv() is returning some
weird results in some condition.

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