On Friday 27 of March 2009, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
> > On Friday 27 of March 2009, Xueron Nee wrote:
> >> You can try mysql-proxy:
> >>
> >> http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-proxy/index.html
> >
> > This introduces single point of failure.

> Plus use of heartbeat, HA, etc.

This makes thing much more complicated  than it can be especially in setup 
like mine where servers are not only doing mysql serving but another thasks 
and the "failure" can be so simple like "service mysql stop".

Arkadiusz Miƛkiewicz        PLD/Linux Team
arekm / maven.pl            http://ftp.pld-linux.org/

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