On Sun, 29 Mar 2009, Stas SUSHKOV wrote:

> I'm trying to set up dovecot together with postfix and experience some
> problems.
> Here's in details what I have and what I want to get.
> I have a ldap server on localhost, a working setup of dovecot to serve
> sasl, imap using ldap, a working setup of Postfix for (s)smtp (I can
> authenticate which uses dovecot's sasl).
> What i wan't to get is a completely working email server for ldap users
> with their email forwardings (so far they have only 1 forwarding).
> The porblem I stuck on is the following:
> when sending mail through (s)smtp, after passing authentication, I get
> my email dropped. And I see this in logs:
> http://ciorne.softwareliber.ro/index.php/view/raw/aaf3eb42
> ***Authenticated user not found!!!***

In your log, notice the 'user' in a successful IMAP login:

> dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<c00l2sv>, method=PLAIN, rip=, 
> lip=, TLS

Later, when you pipe the mail to dovecot for delivery:

> dovecot: auth(default): ldap(c00l...@student.utcluj.ro): Authenticated user 
> not found

You need to modify the arguments in your call to deliver in Postfix's
master.cf.  The master socket should be looking for 'c00l2sv' instead of
'c00l...@student.utcluj.ro'.  See:
http://www.postfix.org/pipe.8.html (under "argv=command")
http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA (under "Parameters")

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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