On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 4:06 AM, Daniel L. Miller <dmil...@amfes.com> wrote:

> Odhiambo Washington wrote:
>> I thought so. Now I have seen, read and understood (so far)
>> http://wiki.dovecot.org/LDA/Exim.
>> However I do not see any examples for configuring dovecot for dbox. Is it
>> as
>> easy as s/maildir/dbox/g in the following:
>> mail_location =
>> maildir:/var/spool/virtual/%d/%n/Maildir:INDEX=/var/dovecot/%u:CONTROL=/var/dovecot/%u
> Not quite.  And "configuration" is not "migration" - keep that in mind if
> you're trying to change an existing system.
> Given the above, I'd do:
> mail_location = dbox:/var/spool/virtual/%d/%n/dbox
> Keep in mind dbox is 100% proprietary to Dovecot.  While indexes are
> supplemental - even optional - for the other formats, part of what makes
> dbox special is that the mails are stored in the indexes.  So your
> configuration that has the indexes split off to different folders probably
> isn't a good idea if you're going to dbox.
>> And suppose I wanted to redeliver mail stored in dbox, using the MTA?? For
>> example, I have used the following script to redeliver mail stored in
>> Maildir:
> I don't think this would be an option anymore.  Maildir stores the raw
> message in a simple file - which makes such manipulation easy.  Dbox will
> store it in a proprietary format.  Unless a utility is provided that would
> accept a dbox message-id and return a raw message (haven't seen one
> advertised) you would have to use some kind of IMAP interface to accomplish
> this.  If such access is important to you - stick with maildir.
>> Ok. Sorry it looks like I have unending questions:(
> Never apologize for seeking knowledge.

Thanks Daniel.

One last question: There was a mention of a script to migrate from Maildir
to dbox. Where is it?

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a
                             - Natalie Wood

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