
Shared folders is ok now. and when I create a public folder follow the
doc http://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Public, I can not get the
boxes listed.

  type: public
  separator: /
  prefix: public/
  location: maildir:/home/data/public:INDEX=~/Maildir/public
  list: children

# ls /home/data/public/ -a 
.  ..  dovecot-shared  .test1  .test2  .test3

And then, I checked the shared folders created by 'setacl' command, and
add a dovecot-acl-list file in the root public folder, ok, I got it.

# cat /home/data/public/dovecot-acl-list 
1239108915 test1

so, 'dovecot-acl-list' should be created manually or any other methods?


Xueron Nee

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