Caution: drifting OT :)

On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 08:16, James Butler wrote:

> MailScanner is slowly in the process of being attempted, even though it is
> simply a wrapper that accepts the mail from Postfix then pipes it over to
> Spamassassin and other programs like AV apps. When I received your
> suggestion to try those two programs, yesterday, I started installing all
> of the various Perl modules required by MailScanner, but it's gotten hung
> up by not recognizing that MailTools' lates version is, in fact, installed

That can be a problem, I avoid using RPM/DEB systems at all costs if I
can, because of those very issues, 
I know MailScanner is tested on RHEL 4+5 (which also means CentOS 4+5),
it's therefor usually workable with 
latest Fedora versions, even on RPM systems I used to use the tarball
and not the RPM versions, I always use ./ --nomodules and
resolve manually any deps since MailScanner used to, a long time ago try
overwrite newer modules with its older ones, I think that was getting
fixed but i'm not on the mailscanner list so I dont know if it ever was,
hrmm getting  OT now i think.

> Amavisd-new is another type of Perl wrapper. I guess I will need to try
> that one, if all else fails. I'm not a big fan of wrapping stuff in Perl.

Both of these are surprisingly fast for perl, I've used both and prefer
mailscanner, it works in batches and is nicer on resources and since its
easier to configure i dont get weekend phone calls asking how to change
this that and whatever :)  highly worth it, and Dovecot only needs to
take the mail from postfix and store it where it should be, let postfix,
the MTA do its thing with MS/Av-n, which are written to work at the  MTA
stage, the only interaction here is dovecots 'deliver' is the MDA (we
use virtual domains). Yep, now very OT.

And as mentioned earlier my concern over using pf pipe to spamassassin,
is I think bounces are generated, therefor generating backscatter, which
will get you cursed, blocked and worse by many networks and RBL's.
(thats how it used to work years ago ,perhaps there is a method
now to stop bounce DSN's *shrug*)

> I am not yet satisfied that Postfix+Spamassassin+Dovecot will not work.

Then you need to bring in as you said anti-virus, hence my earlier

> James (probably related to Noel, but not invited to Christmas Dinner. :( 

LOL, going by time zones, I think I'm sleeping Christmas off when you're
just starting yours  (utc+10)  :)


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