On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 20:28 +0200, Matthias Rieber wrote:
> #5  0xb7eb489f in virtual_sync_mailbox_box_add (ctx=0xa2087e0, 
> bbox=0x9b14b90, added_uids=0xbfe241cc) at virtual-sync.c:570

This should help: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.2/rev/91da114598f1

Hopefully we're running out of bugs soon :)

> I've seen another issue (maybe relatet to that bug). It seems that the 
> virtual folder a just increasing. There are 4 KEYWORD Mails. I see all the 
> mails in the virtual keyword folder. After the removal of the keywords 
> form two mails, there are still 4 mails in the virtual folder, but two are 
> shown without the keyword. I think the two mails should be removed from 
> the virtual folder.

Is this while the mailbox is still open? I had decided that messages
shouldn't immediately be removed when they don't match (e.g. reading a
mail in "unseen" virtual mailbox would set \seen flag and the mail would
disappear before you had a chance to read it). So messages are removed
only when EXPUNGE command is given or mailbox is reopened.

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