Neil wrote:
> I'm trying to move my entire email store from my Dovecot installation (which
> I normally access via IMAP) into Gmail using Gmail's Mail Fetcher (which
> functions over POP); and I'm running into two problems:
> 1. Gmail only imported 78 out of 1000+ mails in my inbox, which I'm taking
> to mean that Dovecot is reporting only those 78 as new.  How can I get
> Dovecot to send all mail over as new?
> 2. I can't be sure of this yet (since, due to #1, Gmail doesn't seem to be
> downloading everything), but I'm pretty sure Dovecot is only reporting my
> Inbox emails over POP; is there a way I can get all my mail, from all my
> folders, to stream in over POP?

POP3 only accesses INBOX, so if the e-mails are in other folders, they
are not visible. Some time ago someone proposed a solution (I guess
using a virtual folder, but I'm not sure), try searching the archives.

It's bad enough that life is a rat-race, but why do the rats always have to win?


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