On Apr 21, 2009, at 9:28 AM, marco ghidinelli wrote:

on the server, at the same time, i found this error:

Apr 20 16:21:17 harlock dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Shutting down: rip=, lip=, TLS handshake

"Shutting down" means that Dovecot really is being shut down or restarted. Is this not an expected restart? Does it happen at the same time always? Maybe it's some cron job.

the server ran without problem until i upgraded from 1.0.rc15 to

after the upgrade i was forced to enhance the
proc.sys.fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 1024
because i had error messages about "Inotify instance limit for user

The previous version probably didn't have inotify enabled.

my question is:
does the upgrade triggered a new way of communication between
clients and server that exacerbates the problem of dropped
connections from the DMZ server?

I think it's unlikely.

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