On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Brandon Lamb <brandonl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Matthijs Kooijman <matth...@stdin.nl> wrote:
>> Hi Brandon,
>> judging from your other posts, I think you made some progress on this
>> already. Nonetheless, I will share my working virtual config here. In
>> dovecot.conf I have:
>>  # Virtual mailboxes
>>  namespace private {
>>    #  list = no
>>    prefix = virtual/
>>    separator = /
>>    # Store virtual mailbox in a "virtual" subdirectory. We use the fs layout,
>>    # so nesting of mailboxes is done using normal filesystem nesting.
>>    location = virtual:~/Mail/virtual:LAYOUT=fs
>>  }
>>  protocol imap {
>>    # Enable virtual mailboxes
>>    mail_plugins = virtual
>> Then, in ~/Mail/virtual I have a directory for each virtual mailbox, which
>> contains a dovecot-virtual file. For example,
>> ~/Mail/virtual/INBOX/dovecot-virtual contains:
>>  INBOX/Lists
>>  INBOX/Bulk
>>  INBOX/MaybeSpam
>>  Folders/TODO
>>    all
>> (Where INBOX and subfolders refers to the INBOX folder in the default
>> namespace, with no prefix, which also has inbox = yes set). This allows me to
>> view all my new mail by connecting to imaps://host/virtual/INBOX, and only 
>> see
>> important mail on my phone by connecting to imaps://host/INBOX, i.e., my real
>> inbox).
>> I hope this helps a bit,
>> Matthijs
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
>> iD8DBQFJ9yxIz0nQ5oovr7wRAiAXAKC5zM+YBYNLC8KYS++5boDop98PUACaAo/R
>> QQOULoBb4X42R+E6FmQ0uaU=
>> =U7tG
>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> Thanks for the reply! I will go try this, I stuck Allmail under the
> virtual directory and i have gotten some things to partially work, but
> I will try your setup and see where it gets me!
> =D

Oh wait, dangit, this is what I have now, I misread this.

I cant seem to get the inthread x-references2 x-mailbox INBOX to work.
I setup an Allmail under /virtual with * and all as the search, then
created Inbox2 using virtual/Allmail and inthread x-references2
x-mailbox INBOX but it gives a server bug. Not sure if that is very
clear or not.

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